Winter Assessments – 21st Jan – 4th Feb

The winter assessments are coming up over the next few weeks, you will have to do a reading, writing, listening and speaking test and they will cover the topics that we have covered so far this year.  We will do some revision in class over the next couple of weeks and you must use your homework time to do lots of really worthwhile and focussed revision.  Below are the topics to cover as well as some links and guided learning to help you prepare well.


Pencil case items
School subjects
The time

Here are some links to help you revise: – Beginner – In meinem Etui / Die Schulfaecher / Die Kleidung / Die Uhrzeit / Farben / Fruehstueck / Snacks – Deutsch – Beginners Units – Hallo! Wie heisst du? / Wo wohnst du? / Die Farben / Wie spaet ist es? / German verbs for beginners – 1. Hallo! (work through all the categories) / 2. Die Schule (work through all the categories).

Speaking Test

Below are a list of questions, you will be asked around 4 of these questions and must prepare full sentence answers.  You will not know in advance which of the questions I will ask, so you need to be prepared to answer all of them.

January 6, 2011. Tags: , , , , , , , . assessments, homework. 4 comments.